
Changes to my study programme

  I’m studying Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources. And I’m going to start talking about my experience with the career program. In the second semester I failed Calculus II, since then I’ve been doing some crazy stuff to be able to course some subjects. Like sending 30 mails to our career chief for him to add subjects in the semesters that does not have them available, luckily it worked! The reason I did this was because since 2021 a new career program has been added, so if we fall behind, we will be forced to change our career program between the old one (our current program) and the new one. This is a big problem because if it happens, since there are different subjects in each program, the ones that aren’t repeated would’ve been passed in vain. With this said, I would give more flexibility between the programs, giving the students the opportunity to take new and old subjects. I would also invest more resources to let the students take any subject in any semester, by adding tea

Time travel into the future

I don’t like the idea of going into the future. It gives me anxiety. I think that even the short-term future has bad things awaiting us. However, if I had the obligation to choose a specific time into the future, I would choose about 30 years into the future. Just because it gives me curiosity to think about the global scenery that I’ll be living as a grown adult. I can’t help thinking about bad things like global warming, global hunger and the massive extinction of species, wich already are serious problems and if we continue like this as specie, they will cause the end of our planet. So, you can guess that I wouldn’t like to stay in that future at all. Speaking from a personal perspective, I think that we can’t succeed on saving the planet with our current economic system. I’ve spent some of my free time thinking about ways to solve some environmental problems, but when I research about it, they usually have an economic reason that does not allow its implementation. Nevertheless, I

My future job

I’m studying Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources. You may think I have a notion of the job I want to work on because of the career I am studying. But that is not the case. At least I don’t have a concrete idea so far. I would love to work with things related to nature, like taking care of endangered species or something like that. Neverthless, i do know that I would rather an outdoor job much more than an indoor one. On the other hand, I don’t want to work outside the country. But I am open to have learning experiences in other countries, like an exchange or to specialize in a foreign university. Right now, I am not sure of the master's degree I want to have, but I do want to study one because my career is very “general”. Which is a good thing in certain way, at least for me. Since I am not sure of the job I want to work on, the fact that my career provides a lot of possibilities is something that lets me take the decision on the road. And that is what I am up to! To disco

A funny moment of my childhood.

  When I was 14 years old, we went to Argentina with my family, a friend of my mom called Cristian and his son called David. We were camping in a town called San Martin de los Andes, in a place that was kind of like a forest. It was about 19:00 pm, it was getting dark. Then, David and I had the amazing idea of playing hide and seek, and I took it very seriously. Without noticing, we got so far away from the place where our tents were, but we kept playing. About half an hour later, we heard our parents screaming our names and I was like, what’s happening? Obviously, we stopped playing and headed where our families were, they were very worried, I think I’ve never seen my mom so worried in my entire life. I told her: “mom, we were just playing. I think you are overreacting” then she replied “we were looking for you guys for like half an hour. You should’ve told us”. After that, we returned to our place, she nagged us. But the we had some food and we moved on, like if nothing had happened.

My hobbies across my life!

  Since I’m a kid, I’ve always played a lot of videogames. I started playing network games, like Habbo or Club Penguin. Then I started playing console games when I went to my friend’s houses. I remember that I always wanted my own console, sadly I never got one until I was older. When I reached puberty, I began to worry for my health, and I started doing sports, but I never stopped playing videogames until a few months ago, because of study purposes. It’s kind of weird because I’ve never done the same sport for more than a year. I always get bored of doing the same thing. I’ve practiced karate, taekwondo, swimming, handball, basketball, volleyball, and many other sports, but I’m not going to mention them all. In 2018 I even started going to the gym, where I improved a lot. But then the pandemic started, and I stopped doing exercise for a few months. However, I’m quite a persisting person so I used homemade equipment to keep doing stuff. Which was not that great because I got my back in

The best concert of my life

  I don’t really have a favourite musical genre. It depends on my mood, but when I think about a musical band that I loved since my childhood, I would say Gorillaz without a doubt. They’re an indie British band with a very particular aesthetic style. The first song that I listened from them is called Clint Eastwood . I also saw the song video in YouTube, and I realised that the band don’t show their faces. They show animated characters instead.  Later in 2017, I found out that they were going to come to Santiago from Chile, in Movistar Arena. My friends also like the band a lot, so we agreed that we would go together. When we were already in the concert, it was honestly insane! Hearing all the songs that I’ve been listening since I’m a kid but live made me so happy. Seeing Damon Albarn, the vocalist, was surprising since they don’t use to show their faces like I said. Anyway, one of the coolest experiences of my life!

A country i'd like to visit

I’ve never been a person with a high interest on travelling around the world. I think I prefer the idea of going to national Parks and stunning places in our beautiful country. Anyway, talking about other countries, I’d like to go to France, and there are two main reasons, one of them it’s that I love the language and the way the people talk, and the second one, it’s that France it’s a country that is very related to the career I’m studying. It is a country that leads in clean energy topics, and a lot of global warming events and agreements have taken place there.  You can guess that if one of my main reasons to find it an interesting country it’s because it’s related to my career in a certain way, I would like to study there to become a better professional. But at least in the present day, I don’t want to live the rest of my life in other country. I only have “study” purposes.