A country i'd like to visit

I’ve never been a person with a high interest on travelling around the world. I think I prefer the idea of going to national Parks and stunning places in our beautiful country. Anyway, talking about other countries, I’d like to go to France, and there are two main reasons, one of them it’s that I love the language and the way the people talk, and the second one, it’s that France it’s a country that is very related to the career I’m studying. It is a country that leads in clean energy topics, and a lot of global warming events and agreements have taken place there. 

You can guess that if one of my main reasons to find it an interesting country it’s because it’s related to my career in a certain way, I would like to study there to become a better professional. But at least in the present day, I don’t want to live the rest of my life in other country. I only have “study” purposes.


  1. Hi Nico! I think it's a great future plan. We can learn a lot about other experiences, and, why not? It could be adapted to our culture taking the correct measures. See you!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hiii!! I think its a really great idea to go there at least to study, but do you know french??😳

  4. Hi Nicolas. I agree with you, France is one of the most interesting places in the world, see you.

  5. Hi Nico! I didn´t kwon that France leads on the clean energy fields or that many global warming events and agreements have taken place there. Thanks for that piece of information!

  6. Hi nico, i think french is a beautiful language! good luck and i hope you can have the opportunity to study there soon

  7. Hi Nico! I'm agree with you, Chile is such a beautiful country, but too extensive :(. By the way, visit France sounds really nice!


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